среда, 28 декабря 2011 г.

Tips to know about Amazon.com Affiliate Program

Amazon.com is one of that affiliates which allow earning much for users with different interests. You specify just which products you want to promote and then take their affiliate links from Amazon. Many bloggers become Amazon affiliates or vice versus, because promotion products from Amazon on your blog not only gives opportunity to earn good money, but also gain new traffic. So, everything depends on your ability to promote. However, I found out that there are some interesting tips and facts about Amazon Affiliate Program. So, check what I found and tell me what you think about that.

1. Check whether your state doesn’t have any restrictions for online purchases
Once affiliates from Connecticut and Illinois had problems because of new sales taxes which started working in those states. So, Amazon closed its Affiliate Programs there. So, as far as you decided to start working as an Amazon Affiliate – take a look through the laws at your state or country. It’s also important to check news on this topic to know the nearest purposes of your local administration, ‘cause the problem of some associates at Connecticut and Illinois (and even such famous as Roger Ebert) was also that they just started working and promoting as tax got to power.

2. Be sure you put your links correctly
There was an issue with one writer who put her Amazon Affiliate link into the review of her book. Frankly speaking, many authors do that. Some people think that it was a moral issue, however incorrect or irritating placing of links can lead that people will omit your blogs or reviews. So, be attentive while putting your links.

3. Wide reviews are better then banners
Nice and full article that reviews the product which you’re going to promote is much better then huge banners. In the contrary, banners distract attention and users start omitting your blog or website. Nice content and attractive images can do much work than banners.

4. Affiliate links added to the images
Images not only make your website look fresh and nifty, but are very useful for making money as Amazon associate. How? You can put affiliate links directly to photos. So, when visitor clicks on the photo it goes directly to Amazon where he/she can buy that product!

5. Autoblogging never brings good results
The most horrible thing you can do for your blog and success with Amazon Affiliate Program is to start autoblogging. Do you like to read mechanical articles? Of course, no! So think about your visitors too! The more creative and interesting content you give, the more traffic you gain and, of course, the more money you can earn as an affiliate!

Stay creative,

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